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Events for 2024

Planned—-Wellness events in for 2024

 Good NEWS: Mission to Kenya in January 2024

Book Launch Event on March 30th 2024:  following November 2023 publication of Book 2 Spirituality and Promoting Health

Other posts:  2023 events, venues and availability throughout 2024

Sundays: Different locations in UK to tell the Good News

Mondays 12-4pm  at Stanstead Lodge, Resource Centre,  260 Stanstead Rd,  Forest Hill S.E 23 1DD

Tuesdays 4-6pm at Trinity URC Catford Faversham rd. SE6 4XE

 Watch this space for more events in 2024

Dr Gwen Rose-profile can be found on  and  Dr Gwen Rose- Health Promotion- Spiritual Healing

Email for more information on celebratory events, healing prayer and counselling for healing.

Dr Gwen is a motivational speaker, lifestyle coach, prayer intercessor and highly intuitive in her approach to facilitating health and healing. She adopts a teaching, healing and evangelistic approach through prayer. Prayer is viewed as Complementary to medical treatment and not instead of medical treatment.

She is a born again Christian with many years’ experience as a Qualified nurse, Health Visitor and University Lecturer

In her professional life she encourages and teaches activities and lifestyle which promote spiritual health. This aspect of health and healing is often overlooked by Healthcare professionals.

Dr Gwen recognises and accepts spirituality as part of our humanity regardless of whether or not we are part of a religion or faith group. The book Health –promotion –Spiritual healing is an edited version of her thesis, submitted for her PHD

In 2019 Dr Gwen co-authored a chapter in the International handbook of Black Community mental health. This can be found on Amazon -new books

She is author of other published materials including a booklet on Relationships, articles published in ‘The  Professional Nursing Journal’ and Focus Journal now called IDEA, a monthly Christian Magazine published by Evangelical Alliance

The titles are’ Ethnic minority Elders Who cares’?   Diabetes, High blood pressure, cholesterol, fibroids and prostate cancer.

Gwen Promotes a prosperity ministry and has organised and presided at Conferences on Healing Broken lives, Healing broken Relationships.

Prior to the beginning g of the Pandemic in 2019, 2018 was a year of many changes and developments including writing an article for the October edition of Turning point: a journal titled ‘What does it take to be a change agent’? This Journal can be accessed on readings.

In 2018 Dr Gwen was nominated for a Windrush Award for unsung Hero.

She comments ‘Being Nominated for an award was an humbling experience’. I do what I do because ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’.

In 2018 Gwen  celebrated 50 years on the Nursing Register. This means as a nurse she who has not been out of service for more than one year. There were celebratory throughout the year. Dr Gwen takes every opportunity to celebrate life events and encourages others to do the same.


About the author

Dr Gwen is a motivational speaker, lifestyle coach, prayer intercessor and highly intuitive in her approach to facilitating health and healing. She adopts a teaching, healing and evangelistic approach through prayer. Prayer is viewed as Complementary to medical treatment and not instead of medical treatment.

She is a born again Christian with many years’ experience as a Qualified nurse, Health Visitor and University Lecturer.

In her professional life she encourages and teaches activities and lifestyle which promote spiritual health. This aspect of health and healing is often overlooked by Healthcare professionals.

Dr Gwen recognises and accepts spirituality as part of our humanity regardless of whether or not we are part of a religion or faith group. The book Health –promotion –Spiritual healing is an edited version of her thesis, submitted for her PHD.


Events for 2024

In January 2024

Dr Rose and Dr Maureen organised and took the Good News Mission to Kenya.

Pastor Jones Shake and his Team, Jesus the Rock Ministries in Mombassa, Kenya hosted the GOOD NEWS MISSION.

This was a series of Community Outreach, Evangelism, Healing, Teaching and Preaching events. We were warmly welcomed by the Church and the Community and was able to deliver the Good News to people who were hungry for THE WORD and ready to Learn from each other.

Publication history- Buy the latest book published in 2023

The next Community Event is a Planned Book Launch in March 2024- Book 2-Title Spirituality and Promoting Health-

Dr Gwen Rose-profile can be found on  and  Dr Gwen Rose- Health Promotion- Spiritual Healing

Email for more information on celebratory events, healing prayer and counselling for healing.

The first book  (Book 1 )was published in August 2012

Title:  Health Promotion Spiritual Healing

Reprinted, republished version was published in November 2023

Amazon new books November 2023

Title: Spirituality and Promoting Health (Book 2)

In 2019: Dr Gwen co-authored a chapter in the International handbook of Black Community mental health. This can be found on Amazon -new books July 2019

She is author of other published materials including a booklet on Relationships, articles published in ‘The  Professional Nursing Journal’ and Focus Journal now called IDEA, a monthly Christian Magazine published by Evangelical Alliance.

The titles are’ Ethnic minority Elders Who cares’?   Diabetes, High blood pressure, cholesterol, fibroids and prostate cancer.

Gwen Promotes a prosperity ministry and has organised and presided at Conferences on Healing Broken lives, Healing broken Relationships.

Prior to the beginning g of the Pandemic in 2019, 2018 was a year of many changes and developments including writing an article for the October edition of Turning point: a journal titled ‘What does it take to be a change agent’? This Journal can be accessed on readings.

In 2018 Dr Gwen was nominated for a Windrush Award for unsung Hero.

She comments ‘Being Nominated for an award was an humbling experience’. I do what I do because ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me’

In 2018 Gwen  celebrated 50 years on the Nursing Register. This means as a nurse she who has not been out of service for more than one year. There were celebratory throughout the year. Dr Gwen takes every opportunity to celebrate life events and encourages others to do the same. A Personal  Testimony I have survived many near death experiences in the past, however 2021 was compounded by so many factors and so many different levels of loss through isolation on many levels. I took the opportunity to laugh, cry, and enjoy what was possible such as gardening, music, with friends, family and alone, throughout the year. The personal near-death experience of losing my husband was colossal; we were together for more than 50 years and married for 49.5 years. I met an angel along life’s journey and said ‘If this what dying from a broken heart looks like; then I am ready to go with you; The angel replied ‘I am not the angel of death, I am the Angel of life and the message I have for you is…. ‘There is much more to accomplish before the Angel of death meet you further along the path of life’ Your work is not yet finished! Your house is not in the order it should be in so you must continue’ It was a dream as the possibility of celebrating 50 years of marriage approached. Although I was aware he was unlikely to make it to 50 years, I said to him ‘you better live long enough for us to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary or I will kill you myself.’ Of course, this comment always brought a smile to his face and to others who heard me say it.

I am still in recovery and struggling with unexplained health issues— due to the ageing process. My children are more likely to remind me that I am not as young and agile as I would like to think and behave.  I often hear ‘Mom or Nana— behave yourself’ and ask ‘who is the child here’?

My health tumbled as the medical model of health and healing attempted to treat the physical effects of my collapse from carer’s stress. As part of my recovery there are many revelations from the past which is informing the future. My own health has been on ‘downward’ spiral throughout the year.

In June 2021 we buried our youngest sister and since October 2021 I have had several hospital admissions.

As expected, the ministry has not been as active as I would like. The aim for 2024 is to regain optimum level of health by returning to pre 2019 level of medication, movement and exercises.

My own healing and learning about Healing journey continue on a daily basis.


The healing/ ministry is looking ahead with great anticipation for another prosperous year. The need for healing from the different levels of pain and suffering that comes with living through and surviving the pandemic. Globally Governments are confused, people are confused, and we have entered a global economic CRASH.

The plans for the ministry will unfold with several seminars and recordings for use by individuals, groups, and organisations at different levels.

More——visit the page about the author.